A Last Resort - Kary Turnell Mystery

A Last Resort

ISBN: 978-0982521427

A Kary Turnell mystery. A love-starved middle-aged housewife, a novelist suffering from prolonged writer’s cramp, and the general manager of a resort hotel find their lives inextricably intertwined. When Edna Connor fails to show up for meals at the beautiful Balsams grand resort hotel, general manager Warn Barson fears the worst. Not wanting to alarm the other guests or risk bad publicity that would spell almost certain ruin for the hotel, he enlists the aid of his old friend, professor-turned-novelist Kary Turnell, whose inability to shake a well-established reputation as a one-hit wonder has him taking refuge at the resort. Kary tries to put his own problems on hold as he works against time to unravel the mystery of Edna’s disappearance.

“A Last Resort” is set in one of New England’s finest grand resort hotels. To lend authenticity, the author spent two years interviewing the staff and examining every nook and cranny of the resort to ferret out likely crime scenes, such as secret passageways, hidden corridors, and out-of-the-way service elevators.

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